Water hardness Horn
In most places the water hardness in Hoorn is about 6.00 dH. This number indicates that the water in your area is quite hard. There are therefore relatively many lime particles in your drinking water. The water hardness in your home depends on where exactly you live. One m³ of water still contains 106.8 grams of clack with a water hardness of 6 dH. This is our eyes quite a lot. To reduce water hardness, it is advisable to install an anti-limescale system. We are pleased to offer you the Amfa4000®.
Reduce your limescale with the Amfa4000®
We offer you the Amfa4000® if you live in Hoorn and want less hard water. This anti-limescale system is a perfect alternative to replace your old products. You can easily install the system yourself within 5 minutes. This can be done before, but also after, the water meter. The system is also small in size. The calcium and magnesium particles will not bond thanks to the action of the magnets. This keeps your water softer. Below are some advantages of the Amfa4000®.
- No maintenance required due to anti-limescale system
- Long service life of household appliances
- Less energy costs
What about the water hardness in Hoorn?
If you use approximately 150 m³ of water per year, this means that there was around 16 kilos of lime in your water. With the Amfa4000® you can significantly reduce the amount of lime in the water. The lifespan of household appliances, such as an electric kettle, will be longer because the water reaches the desired temperature sooner. By investing in the anti-limescale system, you immediately save money. One of the most important reasons for choosing this anti-limescale system is of course the reduction of limescale.
What about the water in Hoorn?
PWN water company Noord-Holland is responsible for drinking water in Hoorn. The water hardness of 6 dH can always be worse, but it certainly can't hurt to install an anti-limescale system. For example, it provides more comfort when wearing clothes. The reduction of dry skin can also be an important reason to invest in this. Of course, a reduction in limescale is always a nice result. If you look at Southern Europe, where the water hardness can be 50 dH in certain places, Hoorn scores quite well.
Questions? Please feel free to contact us
If you have specific questions about the Amfa4000® or questions about water hardness in Hoorn, you can contact us so we can help you further .
AMFA 4000
Co je Amfa4000® Pro systém proti vodnímu kameni?
Amfa4000®, alternativa ke změkčovači vody, která zajišťuje že vodní kámen již nemůže ulpívat na vašich trubkách, kohoutcích, dlaždicích a domácích spotřebičích.
Výhody systému Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale:
Testováno ve Švýcarsku a vyhovuje směrnicím EU. Výrobek má označení CE. Snadná instalace během 5 minut. S Amfa4000® nemáte žádné náklady na údržbu, protože inovativní zařízení je bezúdržbové. Odolný díky svému provozu a dlouhé životnosti