Water hardness Bredene
The water hardness in Bredene is on average 18 dH. This means very hard water. Every m³ of water you use contains 336.6 grams of lime. It is therefore logical that you can suffer quite a lot from limescale if you live in Bredene. In addition, hard water can also have many other disadvantages. Fortunately, we can offer you the solution for hard water. You can order the Amfa4000® from us. This anti-limescale system helps you to soften the water.
Less limescale with the Amfa4000®
If you suffer from water hardness in Brede, you can choose to order an Amfa4000®. You can easily attach this system to your water pipe yourself, both before and after the water meter. The Amfa4000® works with the help of magnets. These prevent calcium and magnesium from binding and thus forming limescale. With the help of this system you are able to prevent limescale. This also brings a lot of advantages. You can read some of these benefits below:
- Less energy costs
- Significantly less limescale deposits
- Home appliances last longer
What is the water hardness in Bredene?
The water hardness in Bredene is quite high. With a normal water consumption of 150 m³, more than 50 kilos of lime flows through your pipes annually. That's a fair amount of lime! As a result, it takes longer for your boiler and kettle to reach the right temperature and you therefore pay more in electricity costs. In addition, limescale can make your home look less attractive and also less hygienic. So it's not a bad idea to invest in an Amfa4000®.
Compared to some places in Southern Europe, where the water hardness can be as high as 50 dH, the water in Bredene may still be okay. However, the water hardness in Bredene is quite high and it is certainly advisable to improve this. Water with this hardness is not bad for drinking, but it is bad for household appliances, for example. The lifespan of the devices decreases and your energy costs increase. So you can save a lot of money in the long term by investing in an anti-limescale system.
Do you have any questions about the water hardness in Bredene?
If you have any questions about the water in your region or about the Amfa4000®, you can always contact us. We would like to tell you more about hard water and the solution we offer you.
AMFA 4000
Co je Amfa4000® Pro systém proti vodnímu kameni?
Amfa4000®, alternativa ke změkčovači vody, která zajišťuje že vodní kámen již nemůže ulpívat na vašich trubkách, kohoutcích, dlaždicích a domácích spotřebičích.
Výhody systému Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale:
Testováno ve Švýcarsku a vyhovuje směrnicím EU. Výrobek má označení CE. Snadná instalace během 5 minut. S Amfa4000® nemáte žádné náklady na údržbu, protože inovativní zařízení je bezúdržbové. Odolný díky svému provozu a dlouhé životnosti