AMFA5000ΤΩΡΑ ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΗ ΑΠΟ £171.00 ΓΙΑ £128.00
Παραγγελία AMFA5000
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Water hardness Noordwijk

The water hardness in Noordwijk varies per region. For example, the lower limit is 4.98 dH: households with this water hardness have reasonably soft water from the tap. However, the water hardness in Noordwijk can reach 9.41 dH, which is considered fairly hard water. Although you receive soft water with 4.98 dH, this does not necessarily mean that your water is limescale-free. For example, per m³ of water there are still 88.65 grams of lime incorporated in the water. With a water hardness of 9.41 dH this even increases to 167.50 grams of lime. If you want to get rid of this high amount of limescale? Then the Amfa4000® is exactly what you are looking for.

Combat high water hardness in Noordwijk with Amfa4000®

If you live in the Noordwijk region and want to get rid of hard water, we are happy to offer you the Amfa4000®. The anti-limescale system is a suitable alternative to water softeners. A magnet attracts calcium and magnesium particles, so that limescale formation is no longer possible. Installing the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system is very simple: you can install the system within five minutes. Once you have installed the system, it will come into operation immediately and you will receive softer water from the tap. The advantages of the Amfa4000® are as follows:

  • Lime deposits are limited
  • Household appliances last longer
  • Energy costs will be lower

What lime content does the water in your home have??

The water hardness in Noordwijk is therefore between 4.98 and 9.41 dH. The water quality ranges from fairly soft water to quite hard water. If you consume 150 m³ of water annually, this equates to 13.30 kilos of lime per year at the lower limit of 4.98 dH. With a water hardness of 9.41 dH we speak of approximately 25.13 kilos of lime. These are significant numbers that you can significantly reduce with the Amfa4000®. A lower lime content has many benefits, including a longer lifespan and better functioning of your household appliances. You also reduce the risk of limescale in your washing machine and dishwasher.

Water hardness Noordwijk compared to other municipalities

In Noordwijk the water is regulated by drinking water company Dunea. In general, we can conclude that the water hardness in Noordwijk is not bad, although unfortunately many households still have water that is too hard. The water quality can certainly be improved, especially if we compare it with the soft water from Flevoland (2 dH). If you also want softer water from the tap? Then the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system is what you need.

Contact us if you have any questions

We are happy to help you if you want to know more about water hardness in Noordwijk or have specific questions about the Amfa4000®. Click contact  to contact us.

AMFA 4000

Τι είναι το σύστημα Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale system?

The Amfa4000®, η εναλλακτική λύση σε ένα αποσκληρυντικό νερού που εξασφαλίζει ότι τα άλατα δεν μπορούν πλέον να προσκολληθούν στους σωλήνες, τις βρύσες, τα πλακάκια και τις οικιακές σας συσκευές.

Τα πλεονεκτήματα του συστήματος Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale System:

Δοκιμασμένο στην Ελβετία και συμμορφώνεται με τις οδηγίες της ΕΕ. Το προϊόν φέρει το σήμα ποιότητας CE. Εγκαταστήστε εύκολα μόνοι σας μέσα σε 5 λεπτά. Με το Amfa4000® δεν έχετε κόστος συντήρησης, καθώς η καινοτόμος συσκευή δεν απαιτεί συντήρηση. Ανθεκτικό λόγω της λειτουργίας του και της μεγάλης διάρκειας ζωής του
