AMFA5000ΤΩΡΑ ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΗ ΑΠΟ $373.00 ΓΙΑ $280.00
Παραγγελία AMFA5000
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Water hardness Vianen

The minimum water hardness in Vianen is 7.34 dH. This value indicates that the water is average. However, this can vary considerably per zip code. Depending on where you live in Vianen, the water hardness can be up to 8.18 dH. This value is on the hard side. There is certainly room for significant improvement in Vianen. Although the water hardness can always get worse, there are still quite a few kilos of lime in the drinking water every year, with a value of 8.18 dH. We are happy to offer you a solution to solve this problem. You can order the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system from us. Besides enjoying softer water, there are countless other benefits.

With the Amfa4000® you will have less limescale deposits

If you live in Vianen and want to drastically change the water hardness? Then we recommend choosing the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. The system is small and can be installed independently within 5 minutes. The system can be attached to the water pipe before and after your water meter. Using magnets, the system ensures that calcium and magnesium together do not form limescale. Enjoy the benefits below:

  • Lower energy costs
  • Longer lifespan of your devices
  • No more maintenance required

Is the water hardness in Vianen harmful??

The water hardness can certainly be improved compared to other parts of the country. The place with the softest water in the Netherlands is Flevoland, with a water hardness of 2.00 dH. So you can see that the water can certainly be made even softer. The water hardness in Vianen is not harmful to your health. However, an anti-limescale system is certainly seen as an added value. In addition to significantly reducing limescale, you can enjoy soft water. This affects many aspects. Consider the reduction of irritations to your skin. Comfort is also seen as a major advantage. The Amfa4000® anti-limescale system ensures that your clothes feel softer. In addition, you need to use less detergent, which is beneficial for your wallet. 

The water in Vianen

The company responsible for drinking water in Vianen is Drinkwaterbedrijf Oasen. Did you know that with an anti-limescale system it takes less time for your boiler water to heat up? In addition to the practical advantages, this also makes a huge difference in costs. You also have to clean less often, as the amount of limescale is significantly reduced by means of an anti-limescale system.

If you have any questions, please contact

If you have any questions about the water hardness in Vianen or about the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system, please feel free to contact .

AMFA 4000

Τι είναι το σύστημα Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale system?

The Amfa4000®, η εναλλακτική λύση σε ένα αποσκληρυντικό νερού που εξασφαλίζει ότι τα άλατα δεν μπορούν πλέον να προσκολληθούν στους σωλήνες, τις βρύσες, τα πλακάκια και τις οικιακές σας συσκευές.

Τα πλεονεκτήματα του συστήματος Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale System:

Δοκιμασμένο στην Ελβετία και συμμορφώνεται με τις οδηγίες της ΕΕ. Το προϊόν φέρει το σήμα ποιότητας CE. Εγκαταστήστε εύκολα μόνοι σας μέσα σε 5 λεπτά. Με το Amfa4000® δεν έχετε κόστος συντήρησης, καθώς η καινοτόμος συσκευή δεν απαιτεί συντήρηση. Ανθεκτικό λόγω της λειτουργίας του και της μεγάλης διάρκειας ζωής του
