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Descale Senseo

Descaling your Senseo is necessary to protect the device against limescale. This way you preserve the delicious taste of your coffee and ensure that your coffee maker lasts longer. We are happy to explain to you how to remove limescale in your Senseo. But did you know that it can be much easier? With an anti-limescale system you never have to descale your household appliances again.  

Descale your Senseo in 4 steps

You can descale your Senseo machine in just four steps.

Step 1: Cleaning vinegar or descaling agent

There are various products you can use to descale your Senseo. For example, consider a special Senseo descaling agent or cleaning vinegar. Add one of the two agents to a liter of water and pour half into the water reservoir of your coffee maker.

Step 2: Rinse Senseo

Place a pod holder for one cup of coffee in the Senseo and switch it on. Place an empty container under the coffee spout to collect the descaling agent. Press the button to make two cups of coffee. Repeat this until the water reservoir is empty. If you still have some of the descaling mixture left, refill the water tank and rinse the Senseo again.

Step 3: Rinse again with descaling agent

Empty the drip tray and repeat the rinsing process with a pod holder for two cups of coffee.

Step 4: Clean with clean water

Empty the collection container again and rinse the water tank with clean water. Fill the reservoir with water and replace it. Press the two-cup coffee button to flush the machine with clean water. Repeat this until the water reservoir is empty. This will remove the last remains of the descaling agent.

Enjoy your Senseo longer with an anti-limescale system

Limescale causes your coffee machine to use more energy to heat the water. This causes the Senseo to break down sooner. With an anti-limescale system you prevent your Senseo machine from malfunctioning and extend its lifespan. This way you can enjoy a cup of coffee every morning without any worries. View more advantages of an anti-limescale system.

Descale your household appliances

An anti-limescale system protects your Senseo coffee maker and other household appliances. If you now install an AMFa4000, even the limescale deposits that are currently affecting your appliances will disappear. This is how you also descale your shower head , iron, kettle and washing machine simple. The Amfa4000® anti-limescale system is the perfect solution for your water.

Your questions about descaling a Senseo answered

When should I descale my Senseo?

You can make approximately 400 cups of coffee before you need to descale your Senseo. Of course, you don't have to keep track of this yourself. Your Senseo coffee machine tells you when you need to descale it. The descaling light will then come on.

Why do I have to descale my Senseo machine?

Tap water contains small lime particles. These affect the heating element of your coffee maker. This means that your Senseo has to work harder and harder to heat the water and that it breaks down more quickly. To prevent this, descale the coffee machine regularly. This reduces the chance of malfunctions and makes your coffee taste better.

How do I prevent limescale deposits in my coffee maker?

There is only one way to prevent limescale: an anti-limescale system. The Amfa4000® descales your pipes and other equipment in your home. This means you no longer have to descale your coffee maker by hand.

Order anti-limescale system

Order the Amfa4000® immediately, the descaler alternative, to descale your water. This means you no longer have to descale your Senseo and other household appliances.
