AMFA5000TERAZ TYMCZASOWE OD $327.00 NA $245.00
Zamów AMFA5000
  • Zamówione przed 23:59, dostarczone jutro za darmo
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„Magnes zmiękczający wodę”: co to jest?

Coraz częściej ludzie poszukują magnetycznych zmiękczaczy wody jako rozwiązania problemu kamienia. Ludzie często nie wiedzą, że tak naprawdę nazywa się to magnesem zapobiegającym osadzaniu się kamienia. Produkt ten staje się ostatnio coraz bardziej popularny. Nie jest to zaskakujące, ponieważ jest to stosunkowo tani i skuteczny sposób zwalczania kamienia.

Doe Maar Duurzaam był na i otrzymał wyjaśnienia dotyczące Amfy4000®

What do you use a water softener for?

Water softeners are a solution against limescale. But water softeners also have many disadvantages:

  1. Water softeners are relatively expensive
  2. They require maintenance
  3. There are costs for maintenance and salt that must be added
  4. And it requires a lot of space for installation.

The alternative:

Our powerful anti-limescale system, the Amfa4000®, is ideal for your household and costs a fraction of the price!

  • Installs within 5 minutes
  • Up to 85% less limescale deposits
  • Suitable for the whole house
  • No service and maintenance costs

You order our anti-limescale system for only € 169,- and if you buy it today before midnight, you will receive the device tomorrow!

Order the AMFA4000®

What does an anti-limescale system do??

The Amfa4000® ensures that there is no longer any hard algonite, which you know as limestone. Sometimes some calcite forms, but these are much softer and hardly adhesive particles. The Amfa4000®anti-limescalesystem does not remove the minerals calcium and magnesium from the water, but changes the crystal structure so that they no longer precipitate. This means that your electrical appliances with heating element will last longer.

Install the anti-limescale system yourself

Julio Rosier shows you how easily you can install the Amfa4000®. No technicians on the floor. All you need is the
AMFA and a tiewrap.

order now

Benefits of an anti-limescale system

An AMFA brings several advantages. We have listed the most important ones for you:

➤ You reduce your energy costs

Limescale makes your appliances use more energy. This is because the limescale makes the distribution of heat more difficult. Once the limescale has disappeared, energy consumption decreases, because appliances with clean pipes heat up faster.

➤ Your equipment will last longer

Because the device uses less energy, its lifespan is extended.

➤ You'll never have to scrub and scrub again

The limescale can no longer adhere to your shower doors or taps. This means you never have to scrub with cleaning products again.

➤ You help the environment

Because you use less energy every year, you are energy efficient. This has a positive effect on the environment.

Order your anti-limescale system online

Do you want to contribute to the environment, save money and spend less time cleaning your shower doors and taps?? Then quickly order your own Amfa4000® online for only € 169.00. If you order your AMFA before 11:59 PM, you can install it tomorrow. You will notice a difference after about three to five weeks. w Living Inspiracje

Julio opowiada Wendy o konsekwencjach osadzania się kamienia w urządzeniach do podgrzewania wody.
