Water hardness Gouda
The water hardness in Gouda varies considerably per region. For example, the lower limit is 4.98 dH, but in some cities it also rises to 9.41 dH. Although these values fluctuate, we can say that generally hard water comes out of the tap in Gouda. For example, 1 m³ of water contains approximately 88.64 grams of lime at a water hardness of 4.98 dH and 167.50 grams of lime at 9.41 dH. To reduce the lime content and thus reduce water hardness in Gouda, we have the solution for you: the Amfa4000®.
Effectively reduce limescale with Amfa4000®
With the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system you can tackle hard water in your home. The system is a good alternative to water softeners and is also extremely easy to install. You can install the Amfa4000® on the water pipe within five minutes. The anti-limescale system can be placed before or after the water meter, so the precise location is not important. The lime system removes magnesium and calcium particles from the water using magnets. By removing these particles, the water from the tap becomes a lot softer. The advantages of the Amfa4000® are as follows:
- Lime deposits are limited
- Household appliances last longer
- Energy costs will be lower
What is the water hardness in Gouda?
As you could read above, there are major differences in water hardness in Gouda. For example, some cities have a water hardness of 9.41 dH, while others have a water hardness of 4.98 dH. We use approximately 46 m³ of water per person per year. Suppose your home has a water hardness of 4.98 dH, then that equates to at least 4 kilos of lime in your water. If we take a water hardness of 9.41 dH, this increases to 7.7 kilos of lime per year. The water hardness in Gouda can be effectively reduced with the Amfa4000®. Reducing the lime content has a positive effect on your household appliances: your kettle and boiler have a much longer lifespan. By purchasing the Amfa4000® you can save money!
Water hardness in Gouda compared to other regions
Drinking water company Oasen is responsible for the drinking water supply in Gouda. Although there are fluctuations in Gouda water hardness, we can still say that most homes have hard water coming from the tap. The water quality is not bad, but the water is certainly not soft enough. The softest water in the Netherlands is found in Flevoland (2 dH). In any case, it is certain that this value is not yet in sight in Gouda.
Know more about water hardness in Gouda?
If you would like to know more about water hardness in Gouda, for example the specific hardness where you live, you can contact us at contact clicking .
AMFA 4000
Co to jest system przeciw osadzaniu się kamienia Amfa4000® Pro?
Amfa4000®, alternatywa dla zmiękczacza wody, która zapewnia że kamień nie będzie już osadzał się na rurach, kranach, kafelkach i sprzęcie AGD.
Zalety Amfa4000® Pro System przeciw osadzaniu się kamienia:
Testowany w Szwajcarii i zgodny z wytycznymi UE. Produkt posiada znak CE. Łatwo zainstalować samodzielnie w ciągu 5 minut. Dzięki Amfa4000® nie ponosisz kosztów konserwacji, ponieważ innowacyjne urządzenie jest bezobsługowe. Trwały ze względu na działanie i długą żywotność