Water hardness Voorthuizen
The water hardness in Voorthuizen is 6.70 dH. This indicates that there is still plenty of room for improvement. Although the value seems not too bad, you would still notice a big difference if the water became softer. The water hardness depends on where you live. With a value of 6.70 dH, there are still quite a few kilos of lime in the water every year. For this reason we offer you a solution, the so-called Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. This system will drastically reduce limescale in your home.
How do you reduce limescale with the Amfa4000®?
If you live in Voorthuizen and want to enjoy soft water, we offer you the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. You can easily install the small anti-limescale system yourself. This is done within just 5 minutes and can be done both before and after the water meter. Your water remains soft because the system uses magnets to prevent the calcium and magnesium particles from connecting. Below are some advantages:
- Lime deposits are limited
- The anti-limescale system requires no maintenance
- Enjoy lower energy costs
What is the water hardness in Voorthuizen?
If you choose to invest in the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system, you will definitely notice a difference. Not only in practical matters, such as less limescale. You will also notice that the taste of softer water is different and that your boiler reaches temperature faster. This also saves you a lot of costs. Did you know that due to a reduction in the amount of lime, less detergent is needed to wash your clothes? You can enjoy a finer fabric, the clothes wear out less quickly and garments feel less stiff. In Voorthuizen you will certainly benefit from investing in the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. Because no matter how you look at it, even with a value of 6.70 dH, there is still too much lime in your drinking water.
What about the water in Voorthuizen?
Drinking water company Vitens is responsible for drinking water in Voorthuizen. The water hardness in Voorthuizen is not alarmingly high, but an anti-limescale system always remains an investment that will provide you with many benefits. If you look at the softest water in the Netherlands, namely 2 dH in Flevoland, then the water hardness in Voorthuizen is a lot higher. If you want to change this? Then invest in an anti-limescale system.
You can always contact us if you have any questions
If you have any questions about water hardness in Voorthuizen or specifically about the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system? Please be sure to contact us so that we can help you .
AMFA 4000
Co to jest system przeciw osadzaniu się kamienia Amfa4000® Pro?
Amfa4000®, alternatywa dla zmiękczacza wody, która zapewnia że kamień nie będzie już osadzał się na rurach, kranach, kafelkach i sprzęcie AGD.
Zalety Amfa4000® Pro System przeciw osadzaniu się kamienia:
Testowany w Szwajcarii i zgodny z wytycznymi UE. Produkt posiada znak CE. Łatwo zainstalować samodzielnie w ciągu 5 minut. Dzięki Amfa4000® nie ponosisz kosztów konserwacji, ponieważ innowacyjne urządzenie jest bezobsługowe. Trwały ze względu na działanie i długą żywotność