AMFA 5000NYNÍ DOČASNĚ OD £172.00 ZA £129.00
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Water hardness Asten

Did you know that the water hardness in Asten is approximately between 8.23 ​​and 10.02 dH? This is quite hard compared to other places in the Netherlands. The high water hardness in Asten causes limescale to form in your drinking water. We offer a solution to ensure that your tap water becomes softer; the Amfa4000. This anti-limescale system is easy to use and you can install it on your water pipe within 5 minutes.

Reduce limescale in your home with the Amfa4000

An anti-limescale system is a good alternative to a water softener because it is easy to install. The system works with a magnet, making it possible for anyone to install it themselves. We recommend the Amfa4000 if you have had enough of the water hardness in Asten and are looking for softer water. The magnets in the anti-limescale system prevent calcium and magnesium particles from adhering to each other. This will make your water softer and limit limescale deposits. Limescale damage your household appliances.

  • Limited limescale deposits
  • Household appliances are maintenance-free for longer
  • Lower energy costs
  • Easy to install
  • Long service life

How the water hardness in Asten is calculated

The water hardness in Asten is between 8.23 ​​and 10.02 dH. This is determined in a scientific and objective manner. The number of lime particles is measured and the hardness of the water is then expressed in German degrees. Lime is not a danger to your health. However, many people prefer to use water that does not cause limescale in the house. An average of 180m³ of water is used annually. At 8.23 ​​dH this involves 26.37 kilograms of lime particles. This is calculated using the following sum: 17.8 grams x 8.23 ​​dH x 180 m³ = 26.37 kilograms of lime particles.

The water from the tap in Asten

The drinking water company in Asten is responsible for the drinking water. The water hardness in Asten is not high enough to actually cause problems. Nevertheless, an anti-limescale system is a good investment because really soft water has a value of 2 dH, as is the case in Flevoland. You can get softer water yourself using the Amfa4000. In the Netherlands the water hardness is not bad at all. Certainly not compared to Southern Europe, where the water hardness can sometimes be as much as 50 dH.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about the water hardness in Asten, or about the Amfa4000, you can contact us. We are happy to help you.

AMFA 4000

Co je Amfa4000® Pro systém proti vodnímu kameni?

 Amfa4000®, alternativa ke změkčovači vody, která zajišťuje že vodní kámen již nemůže ulpívat na vašich trubkách, kohoutcích, dlaždicích a domácích spotřebičích.

Výhody systému Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale:

Testováno ve Švýcarsku a vyhovuje směrnicím EU. Výrobek má označení CE. Snadná instalace během 5 minut. S Amfa4000® nemáte žádné náklady na údržbu, protože inovativní zařízení je bezúdržbové. Odolný díky svému provozu a dlouhé životnosti
