AMFA 5000NYNÍ DOČASNĚ OD $213.00 ZA $160.00
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Water hardness Goes

Are you wondering what the water hardness is in Goes?? We are happy to give you an answer!  The water hardness in Goes ranges from 6.38 dH to 7.84 dH. These values ​​are absolutely not shocking, but that does not mean that you cannot suffer from limescale. With a hardness of 6.38 dH, every dm³ of water still contains 113.56 grams of lime. That is a considerable amount, especially considering an average household uses approximately 150 dm³ of water annually. Fortunately, you can order the solution for limescale from us, namely the Amfa4000®.

This is how the Amfa4000®


The Amfa4000® is an anti-limescale system and an excellent alternative to the water softener. The Amfa4000® is small in size and can easily be installed yourself. The system also requires no maintenance. The Amfa4000® works with strong magnets that prevent calcium and magnesium particles from binding together. This means that no lime is formed. The Amfa4000® brings the following advantages:

  • Energy costs decrease
  • Cheap to purchase
  • Significantly less limescale deposits

What is the water hardness in Goes?

The water hardness in Goes therefore varies from 6.38 dH to 7.84 dH. These values ​​are not particularly high, but a lot of limescale still flows through your pipes. With an average annual water consumption of 150 m³, your water will contain more than 17 kilos of lime. This also explains why you can suffer considerably from limescale and why your household appliances can consume a lot of electricity. With the Amfa4000® your electricity costs can be significantly lower and you will also have less problems with limescale.

The water hardness in Goes in perspective

There are various drinking water companies in the Netherlands and which drinking water company you have depends on your region. The company responsible for the water that comes out of your tap in Goes is Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe. The water hardness in Goes is not bad, even by Dutch standards. Yet there is room for improvement. The place with the softest water in the Netherlands is Flevoland. The water hardness there is 2.0 dH. In Southern Europe, water hardness can reach up to 50 dH.

Know more about the Amfa4000® or the water hardness in Goes?

If you have any questions about the Amfa4000® or about the water hardness in your place of residence? Please contact us please contact us so that we can help you inform. If you want an Amfa4000®? as soon as possible, you can order it from us!

AMFA 4000

Co je Amfa4000® Pro systém proti vodnímu kameni?

 Amfa4000®, alternativa ke změkčovači vody, která zajišťuje že vodní kámen již nemůže ulpívat na vašich trubkách, kohoutcích, dlaždicích a domácích spotřebičích.

Výhody systému Amfa4000® Pro Anti-Limescale:

Testováno ve Švýcarsku a vyhovuje směrnicím EU. Výrobek má označení CE. Snadná instalace během 5 minut. S Amfa4000® nemáte žádné náklady na údržbu, protože inovativní zařízení je bezúdržbové. Odolný díky svému provozu a dlouhé životnosti
