AMFA5000MOST IDEIGLENESEN $385.00 -tól $289.00 -ig
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Water hardness in Nijmegen

The water hardness in Nijmegen is around 9 dH. The water is quite hard with this value and there is certainly room for improvement. Water with a hardness of 9 dH contains quite a bit of limescale. With a normal water consumption of approximately 150 m³ per year, there is 24 kilos of lime. In our view, and hopefully yours too, that is a lot. That is why we have a good solution, namely the Amfa4000®. This is an anti-limescale system that helps you reduce limescale. This will make your drinking water a lot cleaner.

Less limescale with the Amfa4000®

If you live in Nijmegen and find a water resistance of 9 dH very high, you can use our Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. The system works using magnets. These magnets ensure that calcium and magnesium particles are not connected to each other. Below are several benefits you will enjoy:

  • Softer water
  • No maintenance
  • Reduced energy costs

How hard is the water in Nijmegen?

With a water resistance of 9 dH, there are quite a few kilos of lime in your water every year. You can choose not to do anything about this, but we recommend that you definitely address this. With our Amfa4000® you ensure that the water becomes softer. Because the water becomes softer, you prevent problems with your household appliances, but also extra costs. Purchasing the Amfa4000® is cheap and you do not need to provide any maintenance. You can also easily install this anti-limescale system yourself, so you don't have to hire a technician.

Across the water in Nijmegen

In Nijmegen there is one company responsible for drinking water. This company is Vitens. The water hardness in Nijmegen is not very soft. Yet it could be worse. When we look at the waterproofing in Southern Europe, this is somewhat more. The water density here is 50 dH, so many times higher than the water density in Nijmegen. This obviously does not mean that you cannot suffer from limescale in Nijmegen, it is important to do something about this in Nijmegen too.

If you have any questions, please contact us

You may still have some questions about the waterproofing in Nijmegen or our Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. At that time you can contact us. At that time we will answer your questions and tell you more about the water hardness.

AMFA 4000

Mi az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer?

Amfa4000®, a vízlágyító alternatívája, amely biztosítja hogy a vízkő többé ne tapadjon a csövekhez, csapokhoz, csempékhez és háztartási készülékekhez.

Az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer előnyei:

Svájcban tesztelve és megfelel az EU irányelveinek. A termék CE jelöléssel rendelkezik. Könnyen telepíthető 5 percen belül. Az Amfa4000®-nél nincs karbantartási költsége, mivel az innovatív készülék karbantartásmentes. Működésének és hosszú élettartamának köszönhetően tartós
