AMFA5000MOST IDEIGLENESEN $220.00 -tól $165.00 -ig
Rendelés AMFA5000
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Water hardness in Amersfoort

The water hardness in Amersfoort is around 6 dH. This does not mean that the water is very hard, but there is still a considerable amount of lime in the water. The water hardness in a city can differ per location. Looking at the water hardness of 6 dH in Amersfoort, there is approximately 107 grams of lime in one m³ of water. This cannot be seen with the naked eye, but we think it is still a lot. We have a good solution for this, namely the Amfa4000®. You can soften your water with the Amfa4000® anti-limescale system.

How to reduce limescale with our anti-limescale system

If you live in Amersfoort and want to reduce water hardness, we have the Amfa4000® for you. This system helps you soften your water. The system is small, cheap to purchase and requires no maintenance itself. You can install the system yourself within a few minutes. So no technician is required for installation. The system works with a magnet. This prevents the calcium and magnesium particles from binding to each other. Because these particles do not connect with each other, the water remains softer. Below are a number of benefits:

  • Reduced limescale deposits
  • Product lasts a long time
  • Easy to apply

What about the water hardness in Amersfoort?

As mentioned earlier, the water hardness in Amersfoort is approximately 6 dH. This may differ slightly per location. If you used approximately 150 m³ of water, you would have had approximately 16 kilos of lime in your water. So that is a considerable amount of lime. When you use the Amfa4000®, your drinking water will be considerably less hard. Due to the reduced water hardness, household appliances reach the right temperature earlier and also have a longer lifespan. Our anti-limescale system will save you a lot of costs. The Amfa4000® is also cheap to purchase and has a long lifespan.

What about the water in Amersfoort?

The company responsible for water hardness in Amersfoort is Vitens. The water hardness in Amersfoort is not too bad, but with our anti-limescale system you ensure that it only gets better. There are places where the water hardness is still significantly less, so the water hardness in Amersfoort can certainly be improved.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions

If you have any questions about water hardness in Amersfoort or about our anti-limescale system, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you further.

AMFA 4000

Mi az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer?

Amfa4000®, a vízlágyító alternatívája, amely biztosítja hogy a vízkő többé ne tapadjon a csövekhez, csapokhoz, csempékhez és háztartási készülékekhez.

Az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer előnyei:

Svájcban tesztelve és megfelel az EU irányelveinek. A termék CE jelöléssel rendelkezik. Könnyen telepíthető 5 percen belül. Az Amfa4000®-nél nincs karbantartási költsége, mivel az innovatív készülék karbantartásmentes. Működésének és hosszú élettartamának köszönhetően tartós
